Sunday, October 4, 2020

851. Homework

Daft Punk

1. Daftendirekt
2. Wdpk 837 Fm
3. Revolution 909
4. Da Funk
5. Phoenix
6. Fresh
7. Around The World
8. Rollin' & Scratchin'
9. Teachers
10. High Fidelity
11. Rock'n Roll
12. Oh Yeah
13. Burnin'
14. Indo Silver Club
15. Alive
16. Funk Ad

And yet another electronica album. Unlike some of the other techno artists on this list, I had actually hear of Daft Punk, so I was expecting something new or different.

And to me, this just seemed as tedious as the other electronica albums on this List. I cannot get into this style of music, this is not my cup of tea, etc. It's just boring to me; it seems boring to them as well. Why else would they call their album Homework? 

By the way, only 150 albums to go!


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