Monday, June 4, 2012

200. Fun House

Fun House
The Stooges

1. Down On The Street
2. Loose
3. T.V. Eye
4. Dirt
5. 1970
6. Fun House
7. L.A. Blues

200!  20% of the way there.

Any time I reach a milestone in the 1001 journeys, I usually write something cheesy-sounding about how much I have learned.  Yes, I felt like I have learned a lot with the album blog and I enjoy listening to the different albums.  But for some reason, my enthusiasm for this project is waning.  Maybe it is because no one reads this blog.  Maybe it is because Brie quit on me.  Maybe it because I am finding out my musical taste sucks and I will never be one of those cool intellectuals that can listen to Miles Davis without playing Freecell to distract myself from the boredom.  Or maybe it is because I don't feel at all qualified to write reviews on these albums so I feel like my writing is just plain sloppy.  Of course, I will continue to pursue this project because I don't like quitting things and I like listening to different kinds of music.

On that dark note, another shocker.  I hated this album.  I am not a punk rock or heavy metal fan. Actually, this guy I have a crush on (I have already been rejected by him) listens almost exclusively to heavy metal and I got to bring up Black Sabbath.  Fat lot of help that did to me.

Wow, why am I such a buzz kill today?  Anyway, if "T.V. Eye" is considered genius (Iggy just yelling nonsense), I am officially throwing in the towel and admitting defeat.  I mean, seriously, at that point, I am never going to understand music like I want to.


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