Tuesday, April 21, 2020

603. Opus Dei

Opus Dei


1. Leben Heist Leben
2. Geburt Einer Nation
3. Leben Tod
4. F I A T
5. Opus Dei
6. Trans National
7. How The West Was Won
8. Great Seal

This is some Nazi nonsense right here, I have no idea why the List would include an album that has a swastika on its cover. Now, I understand that the swastika made of axes on the cover was actually designed by an anti Nazi artist, and that this band is ostensibly a parody of fascism. If it makes you uncomfortable, you just don't "get it" or you are, in fact, the fascist. 

I have no idea why anybody find pleasure listening to these industrial, militant songs, all of which sound like they could be the first dance at an orc wedding. Some were in German, but I occasionally caught a line in English being croaked. Let's just say I wasn't blown away by the lyrical quality.

I suppose fans of this album would lament that it went over my head. Hey, I'm fine with that, as long as it doesn't touch me.


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