Thursday, April 2, 2020

583. Rapture

Anita Baker

1. Sweet Love
2. You Bring Me Joy
3. Caught Up In The Rapture
4. Been So Long
5. Mystery
6. No One In The World
7. Same Ole Love
8. Watch Your Step

This album cover is perfect for this album. It sounds like something that a comically clueless man would put on in a movie to show the audience he is anticipating sex (and is about to be sorely disappointed). 

I liked "Watch Your Step" the best, because it wasn't a sappy love song. Or, at least, not quite as sappy as the other ones. Anita Baker is a powerful vocalist; too bad the songs weren't better.

I feel like the albums I have enjoyed lately have a certain element of timelessness about them, and this one is firmly encamped in the 80s. Skippable.


1 comment:

  1. She can sing but the music is so banal, for me one of the worst picks in the book. Yet this got some good reviews, awards, and sold very well. I don't get that.
