Friday, February 19, 2016

435. Fear of Music

Fear of Music
Talking Heads

1. I Zimbra 
2. Mind
3. Paper
4. Cities
5. Life During Wartime 
6. Memories Can't Wait 
7. Air 
8. Heaven 
9. Animals 
10. Electric Guitar 
11. Drugs

It's hard not to be disappointed by a band that is as hyped as Talking Heads.  While I wouldn't call it bad by any means, I couldn't help thinking when it finished: that's it?  Maybe my expectations were too high after "More Songs About Buildings and Food."

My favorite song is easily "Air," which is basically a protest that people don't understand that even something as simple as breathing can be difficult for someone suffering from depression.  Or, at least, that's what I got out of it.  I was able to glean some larger meaning from that song, but I confess I was not as successful with the others (i.e. "Paper").

I am not sure how many more Talking Heads albums there are on The List, but I hope if there are more the lyrical quality will improve somewhat.  Still, a perfectly fine album.


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