Wednesday, March 23, 2016

458. Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables

Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
The Dead Kennedys

1. Kill The Poor
2. Forward To Death
3. When Ya Get Drafted
4. Let's Lynch The Landlord
5. Drug Me
6. Your Emotions
7. Chemical Warfare
8. California Uber Alles
9. I Kill Children
10. Stealing People's Mail
11. Funland At The Beach
12. Ill In The Head
13. Holiday In Cambodia
14. Viva Las Vegas

You can already tell from the band name that is going to be a tasteful album.  Here is another unremarkable punk album with the typical childish agenda.  At the very least, we get an interesting cover of "Viva Las Vegas." Bands have been making some weird cover choices lately.

I don't have a whole lot more to say about this album, as it seems like something that has been done so often.  Songs like "I Kill Children" are just ridiculous.  It's like they tried to figure out what the most upsetting thing for people to hear would be and then added some dismal music in the background.  Is that art?  I hope not.

Peter Gabriel is next, so hopefully conditions will improve.



  1. He he .. this will wake you up .. I used to have this one .. I don't remember a lot of the tracks, but I'd heard 'Holiday in Cambodia', and 'California uber Alles' on .. probably John Peel (a little historical cultural reference for our UK readers there folks), but I couldn't really sit through a full album.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Haha that was definitely a surprise. You always surprise me with your musical taste.

  3. This is a classic recording by a band who defined California punk. "Typical childish agenda"?!? What children would come up with "Kill The Poor," "California Über Alles," and "Holiday in Cambodia"?
