Monday, June 15, 2020

658. Repeater


1. Turnover
2. Repeater
3. Brendan No 1
4. Merchandise
5. Blueprint
6. Sieve Fisted Find
7. Greed
8. Two Beats Off
9. Styrofoam
10. Reprovisional
11. Shut The Door

It's cool that we have seen so many phases of the punk genre. Of course, I don't particularly like punk but it's still interesting. As a genre, it seems to evolve much quicker than other styles of music do, and people are constantly shaking up the formula.

I suppose this is post hardcore, which I found much more enjoyable than good ole-fashioned hardcore, because this bears a stronger resemblance to music. Naturally, it still has its moments of angry shouting that I don't really connect with, but there a few catchier tracks in there as well.

So in the end, not my style, but still a quality album.


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