Tuesday, February 14, 2012

173. Oar

Alexander "Skip" Spence

1. Little Hands
2. Cripple Creek
3. Diana 
4. Margaret-Tiger Rug
5. Weighted Down (The Prison Song)
6. War In Peace
7. Broken Heart
8. All Come To Meet Her
9. Books Of Moses
10. Dixie Peach Promenade (Yin For Yang)
11. Lawrence Of Euphoria
12. Grey/Afro

So it is Valentine's Day.  Instead of being off somewhere with a sweetheart, I am in my pajamas listening to songs by a crazy person.  Literally, he was insane.  He broke into the motel room of his fellow Moby Grape members with an ax (real "here's Johnny" kind of stuff) and was institutionalized.  He wrote this album during his...um...rest.  At least my friend brought me flowers and chocolate is in my future.  Sigh...

Anyway, I am sure you have heard enough depressed Valentine ramblings already so let's get to my date tonight, Alexander Spence (more pronounced sigh).  I loved it.  I don't know what that says about me.  By Darwin, I am becoming quite the cat lady.  The lyrics were slightly incoherent but still profound at parts.  Read this:

A broken heart would be lovely
Broken on the ground
A knife stuck in the ribs of me
Would be better be found
Hanging tree blowing gently
A noose would be ignored
Then to stand upon the receiving end
Of the right hand of the Lord
So you see?  A bit crazy but poetic.


My favorite:

1 comment:

  1. This isn't always pretty but it's totally unique and interesting, with good songwriting all the way through. The warbly and off pitch singing can be distracting, but provides a certain authenticity and intimacy.
    Standout track: "War in Peace"
