Saturday, February 11, 2012

170. Liege & Lief

Liege & Lief
Fairport Convention

1. Come All Ye
2. Reynardine
3. Matty Groves
4. Farewell Farewell
5. Deserter
6. Medley
7. Tam Lin
8. Crazy Man Michael

We have officially made the change!  I transferred the blog to my account and Brie will no longer contribute.  Sad, but I don't want her to do it if she doesn't have fun with it.  Hopefully, she will comment and my reviews can be as insightful as her's were.  I am going to try to liven things up on this blog, though, because my opinions on music, let's just say I still can't stop listening to "Countdown".

Anyway, I listened to this album when my sister was visiting and she absolutely hated it.  In her words: "I just hate just hate folk.  Sorry."  I think this is pretty concise reasoning, but for those of you don't, I suppose I must elaborate.  This album is the folksiest album I have ever heard in my life.  This may be a good or bad thing depending on your tastes.  I am not a big folk person but some of the songs I could see dancing to in a town square in Europe.  Anyone know what I mean by that?  Anyone?

 RATING: 3/5

Best song in album:

1 comment:

  1. I don't find these songs as good as Unhalfbricking, but Sandy Denny steps it up and carries them, as do the other musicians. And this album has all the fiddle a person could ask for. Bonus outtake "Sir Patrick Spens" is better than most of side 2, I don't know what they were thinking leaving it off the album.
