Sunday, October 2, 2011

59. My Generation

My Generation
The Who

1. Out In The Street
2. I Don't Mind
3. The Good's Gone
4. La La La Lies
5. Much Too Much
6. My Generation
7. The Kids Are Alright
8. Please, Please, Please
9. It's Not True
10. I'm A Man
11. A Legal Matter
12. The Ox

Amanda: First of all, you are welcome.  I promise I will not make a stupid question joke when reviewing this album.  I can't promise the same for Brie, but we will see.

I kind of hoped I would not like it.  I haven't been on iTunes forever, and I can't just spend sixty dollars on songs.  These lists are really take a toll on the wallet.  Unfortunately, they were wonderful.  Funny, soulful, and deep.  They seemed a little rough around the edges but that was part of their charm.


I did once see a funny The Who joke on Psych.  They are very rare though so do not attempt unless you are/look like James Roday.

Brie: I knew I would love this album. There is a song on My Generation for everyone, as the album varies so much in style. The loud drums and guitars gave The Who loads of energy. The Who were way ahead of their time; they kick started the punk/garage band movement a decade before everyone else started doing it. It is safe to say that every punk band post-Who have been influenced by the Who.

How kickin' was "The Ox"?! Can I get an amen?!!! The Who were so badass for the sixties! And they would probably be considered pretty wild by today's standards, and that is saying something. I saw this great YouTube video which was this amesome montage of their concert performances (smashing instruments onstage, etc.) and partying off stage. The song in the background was My Generation, if anyone wanted to look it up. Too bad I'm not so proud of my generation. :(


1 comment:

  1. The covers are best forgotten, as Daltrey sounds like he's doing a bad imitation of an R&B and then a blues singer. Definitely been done better by others. And the instrumental is junk, imho. What I like a lot here are the original songs, including the bonus "Circles". The band's sound is raw but it works, and adding a piano player was a great idea.
    Favorite track: "The Kids Are Alright"
