Friday, September 7, 2012

280. Selling England By The Pound

Selling England By The Pound

1. Dancing with the Moonlit Knight
2. I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
3. Firth of Fifth
4. More Fool Me
5. Battle of Epping Forest
6. After the Ordeal
7. Cinema Show
8. Aisle of Plenty


After a string of bad albums, we have an actual good one. I was so relieved when the first track came on that I almost felt like kissing the ground.  Then I realized how ridiculous that is and got a hold of myself.  But I was still relieved!

Anyway, what else would you expect from a band with Phil Collins?  Everyone likes Phil Collins.
So this album was really catchy albeit a little too long.  Still, it was a nice change of pace. RATING: 4/5


  1. Actually, a lot of people hate Phil Collins. Prog rock fans hate him for taking over Gabriel's role as vocalist in Genesis as they gradually progressed (ha!) to a pop band from their proggy origins.

    And then a lot of other people hate him for his solo work, too.

    He was the emblem of vapid music in Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho--well, one of. Poor Huey Lewis also got the shaft there.

    1. Haha yes when I made that comment, I didn't actually think that every person on earth enjoyed Phil Collins. But that is interesting about Gabriel and Huey Lewis. Thanks for commenting.
