Friday, October 21, 2016

496. The Lexicon of Love

The Lexicon of Love

1. Show Me 
2. Poison Arrow 
3. Many Happy Returns 
4. Tears Are Not Enough 
5. Valentine's Day 
6. Look of Love (Part One) 
7. Date Stamp 
8. All Of My Heart
9. 4 Ever 2 Gether 
10. The Look of Love (Part Four) 

We have finally reached 1982, which means, like it or not, synthpop is now a major part of our lives.  I don't particularly mind it.  It isn't quite as tacky as disco but it is just as fun.  And speaking of embracing the cheese, how about that album cover?

Martin Fry spends the album lamenting his lack of success in romantic relationships.  While this is a somewhat tired theme in the musical world, I was pleased by the vocals and production, particularly during "The Look of Love."  

There is no denying the corn factor of this album, but hey, 1982 is the year of Porky's and ET.  So it could be worse.


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