Sunday, August 17, 2014

369. Before and After Science

Before and After Science
Brian Frampton

1. No One Receiving
2. Backwater
3. Kurt's Rejoinder 
4. Energy Fools The Magician
5. King's Lead Hat
6. Here He Comes
7. Julie With...
8. By This River 
9. Through Hollow Lands
10. Spider And I

WE HAVE FINALLY HIT 1977!  I think I have spent more that an actual year on 1976 which is just plain odd when you think about it.  Our first introduction into 1977 is a really pretentious ark rock album by Brian Eno!  Time to find the nearest window that unlocks.

We have had a few experiences before Brian Eno and I recall thinking that he was overrated and all over the place.  Now, with a bit more experience with experimental music, I found him to be a lot more tame and a lot less remarkable than before.

"Julie With" has absolutely beautiful lyrics but its lack of a memorable melody makes it pretty forgettable.  I actually felt that way about all of the tracks: good lyrics and good music were pretty much mutually exclusive.

So I still got the scattered feeling but none of the potential intrigue.  Thumbs down.


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