Wednesday, October 24, 2012

292. The Dark Side of Moon

The Dark Side of Moon
Pink Floyd

1. Speak To Me
2. Breathe
3. On The Run
4. Time
5. Great Gig In The Sky
6. Money
7. Us And Them
8. Any Colour You Like
9. Brain Damage
10. Eclipse

This is probably one of the most famous albums of all time.  Needless to say, the pressure is on to like it.  I read some blog posts other people have written about this album.  People that don't like it get absolutely destroyed in the comments section.  Thankfully (?), no one leaves comments on my blog so I don't have to worry about intellectual destruction.

I like Pink Floyd and with all the hype associated with this album, I expected to be blown away.  This album starts with a lot of different sound effects.  It kind of reminded me of that scene is Tarzan where random noises actually become beautiful music:
My juvenile comparisons aside, it actually gets pretty awesome.  It probably would have been ten times more awesome if I had weed but you do what you can with the tools you have.  



  1. Oh Amanda .. call this a sympathy comment.. Whilst you do well for comments on your film blog .. it is a sad reflection if you cannot get anyone to reply to Dark Side of the moon. Surely the entire world has an opinion on this one?
    'No-one comments? Awwww that's just not fair yo you .. so here is one.
    Actually, I think I may have learn't how to properly sign up to your Album blog .. so you may have the dubious pleasure of seeing my name crop up again.

    You know, I just went through your entire 5* stuff, and failed to find anything I hated. OK, some stuff I've never heard of .. but nothing I hated. About the highest placed stuff that, if you visited and started humming around the house I would scream 'shut up'. .. no, politely ask you not to .. was 3* for Abba.
    But, I guess this is going chronologically as well, so I'm sure there will be more and more I've no idea what is ..

  2. Oh Amanda .. call this a sympathy comment.. Whilst you do well for comments on your film blog .. it is a sad reflection if you cannot get anyone to reply to Dark Side of the moon. Surely the entire world has an opinion on this one?
    'No-one comments? Awwww that's just not fair yo you .. so here is one.
    Actually, I think I may have learn't how to properly sign up to your Album blog .. so you may have the dubious pleasure of seeing my name crop up again.

    You know, I just went through your entire 5* stuff, and failed to find anything I hated. OK, some stuff I've never heard of .. but nothing I hated. About the highest placed stuff that, if you visited and started humming around the house I would scream 'shut up'. .. no, politely ask you not to .. was 3* for Abba.
    But, I guess this is going chronologically as well, so I'm sure there will be more and more I've no idea what is ..

  3. Don't pity me too much! I am not a very good music critic so perhaps the less people that know about this blog, the better. It's just kind of for my personal thoughts so I can keep track of stuff.
