Sunday, June 26, 2011

5. This Is Fats Domino

This Is Fats Domino
Fats Domino

Amanda: I see that Brie has not written a review yet, but I am going to plough ahead anyway; got to stick to a schedule (if we want to finish in like six years).  I really enjoyed this album.  Some of the songs were like familar friends; I had heard them before but never knew the name of the song or who had sang them.  The songs made me laugh and want to dance.

So it was enjoyable.  But was it quality?  I think the answer is yes.  It was jazz and I could listen to the instrumental versions of the songs all day.  The music was definitely influential on genres of music such as ska and the Beatles even recorded some of his songs.  Definitely worth a listen.


Brie: This album is proof that quality jazz does not equal boring! Who thinks that jazz is boring, you might ask? Answer: my entire school. Well it is their loss! I agree that these songs were very enjoyable, fun, and paved the way for artists of all genres. So just set aside some time and treat yourself to a little Fats Dominio!


1 comment:

  1. Fats Domino - "Blue Monday"
    Standout track from the album This Is Fats (1956)
    Album 5 of 1001 Albums You Must Hear
    I never gave Fats Domino a listen before because I considered Blueberry Hill rather corny, and that was the only song of his I'd heard. But this album is actually pretty great, especially for me because I enjoy piano and sax driven music. It's strong all the way through, with maybe the exception of the final song. As it should be, because this is actually a collection of some of his better recordings (released as singles, presumably) from about 1952 to 1956. That makes me wonder why they couldn't have included The Sun Sessions by Elvis Presley on this list, or a compilation of Chuck Berry's singles (or anything by Chuck Berry, for that matter). Anyway, I'm looking forward to listening to more Fats Domino in the future, as I had to download an 8 CD anthology to get all the tracks belonging to this album.
