Wednesday, October 23, 2019

565. Blood and Chocolate

Blood and Chocolate
Elvis Costello and the Attractions

1. Uncomplicated
2. I Hope You're Happy Now
3. Tokyo Storm Warning
4. Home Is Anywhere You Hang Your Head
5. I Want You
6. Honey Are You Straight Or Are You Blind
7. Blue Chair
8. Battered Old Bird
9. Crimes Of Paris
10. Poor Napoleon
11. Next Time Round

Scritti Politti might have had me wondering why I even decided to undertake this project in the first place, but then Elvis Costello comes along and reminds me. Not that I was familiar with his work before, but it becomes extra special when you are hear it in the midst of all the other shit that was coming out at the same time.

This is an angrier Elvis than his previous albums, but thankfully, it is never cringey. His bitterness comes naturally, which is a perk for us, even if it doesn't bode well for his mental health. 

It's rare to listen to an artist this versatile, so this album was a real treat. And like a bear stuffing her fat face before winter, I must store up on good music. Metallica is coming up.


1 comment:

  1. I've always liked this album--good lyrics, nice tunes!
