Friday, February 14, 2014

355. Arrival


1. When I Kissed The Teacher 
2. Dancing Queen 
3. My Love My Life 
4. Dum Dum Diddle 
5. Knowing Me Knowing You 
6. Money Money Money 
7. That's Me 
8. Why Did It Have To Be Me 
9. Tiger 
10. Arrival

I woke up a couple of days ago and immediately scratched my cornea.  I really had no reason for doing this except perhaps my brain wanted to test a new form of alarm clock that did not prove to be successful.  In any case, I haven't been able to see very well, which is the perfect chance to catch up on some albums.  This one will either have you cheering or searching for a shotgun, depending on your opinion of pop disco.

My experience with ABBA had been strictly through movies, like Mamma Mia! and Muriel's Wedding. They are both slightly obnoxious films, but I never faulted ABBA for this.  However, after listening to this album, I suddenly want to point fingers.

I think we are all familiar with "Dancing Queen" which is fun the first time you listen to it and unbearable the million other times that you will be forced to listen to it.  I also knew the song "Money Money Money" which is terrible even if it is your first time hearing it.

I was completely ready to write this album off when the song "Why Did It Have To Be Me" came on.  It was catchy as hell and actually included some male singers which was refreshing for the album.  Of course, after that we were back to the somewhat creepy song "Tiger" that had me looking behind my shoulder.

So there are a couple good songs but otherwise the band is always teetering on the brink of obnoxiousness.  I am not going to fault them for their lyrics since they are Swedish; I can barely put a sentence together in any other language.  Actually, sometimes I have trouble putting a sentence together in English, but that is usually in front of a hot guy.


Trailer for Mamma Mia!  Pierce Brosnan sings.  Run, run as fast as you can.


  1. I love Why Did It Have To Me! The rest of the songs of Abba get on my nerves. I actually liked the singing of the Abba songs on Mama Mia better than hearing Abba. Maybe that says more about me and my taste, but oh well.... :)

    1. I thought Amanda Seyfried had an amazing voice and loved hearing her sing these songs!

    2. Sorry, I have to disagree. I like ABBA... a lot actually. Maybe because I'm European and they are an essential part of our culture - I've been listening to them in TV literally from the cradle -... or maybe it's just that I'm a sucker for disco music.

      Although I acknowledge that they are only good in small doses.

    3. They are just so overexposed that I get sick of them easily, but I don't think they make particularly bad music.
