Thursday, June 11, 2020

654. Moss Side Story

Moss Side Story
Barry Adamson

1. On the Wrong Side of Relaxation
2. Under Wraps
3. Central Control
4. Round Up the Usual Suspects
5. Sounds From The Big House
6. Suck On The Honey Of Love
7. Everything Happens To Me
8. The Swinging Detective
9. Autodestruction
10. Intensive Care
11. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World
12. Free at Last
13. Alfred Hitchcock Presents
14. Chocolate Milk Shake
15. The Man With The Golden Arm

Guys, do you think we should check on the Listmakers? Are they okay?

So after the weirdness that was Coldcuts, we are treated to this oddity. It's a concept album for a noir movie...that doesn't exist. It did make sense when I read the reasoning for it. Apparently Barry Adamson wanted to compose music for films, so hoped this would attract the interest of filmmakers. Why someone's spec has to be included on the List, though, is a mystery that we would need a nonexistent detective to solve.

Why choose noir if you are going to design an imaginary soundtrack? That seems so odd to me. Is the score really the fun part of a film noir? A different genre, I think, would have been much more interesting.


1 comment:

  1. 1989 was a banner year for lousy picks from the Book and here is exhibit A, not very interesting at all. (I liked Coldcut though.)
