Monday, August 24, 2020

753. Bubble and Scrape

Bubble and Scrape

1. Soul And Fire
2. Two Years Two Days
3. Telecosmic Alchemy
4. Fantastic Disaster
5. Happily Divided
6. Sister
7. Cliche
8. Sacred Attention
9. Elixir Is Zog
10. Emma Get Wild
11. Sixteen
12. Homemade
13. Forced Love
14. No Way Out
15. Bouquet For A Siren
16. Think (Let Tomorrow Be)
17. Flood

I was wondering why this album sounded so disjointed. Then I read that different members of the band created different tracks, which explained a lot. I am not sure who was responsible for what song, but the result wasn't cohesive.

That being said, a few of the songs were okay, but didn't leave much of an impression. I had never heard of them before, and if somebody did mention them, I would probably miss it because I don't know how to pronounce the name of the band. Then once I realized my mistake, I would probably be too embarrassed to correct it and just go along with it as they told about this new band I have to listen to. 

In conclusion, not an essential album.


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