Monday, November 6, 2017

529. Synchronicity

The Police

1. Synchronicity I
2. Walking In Your Footsteps
3. O My God
4. Mother
5. Miss Gradenko
6. Synchronicity II
7. Every Breath You Take
8. King Of Pain
9. Wrapped Around Your Finger
10. Tea In The Sahara

Ah, last album was U2 and now The Police?  This is wonderful!  What did I do to des-oh wait, the next album is Meat Puppets.  That's more like it.

Well, let's enjoy our four star album before the dark times.  This was a great album and you have probably heard at least one of these songs even if you aren't into The Police.  I think Sting tends to show off sometimes; maybe he wants us to think he is Bono.  But he is perfect here.

Might be the last good album of 1983.  So check it out!


1 comment:

  1. Loved these songs and this album. Good stuff at the time and now, really. ☺️
